Backrooms TCG

The Only Solitaire Trading Card Game

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Duik in het griezelige universum van Backrooms TCG, waar een boeiende verzameling entiteiten op je wacht. Verzamel tijdens je reis essentiële items en vorm strategische allianties met bevriende entiteiten. Je primaire doel? Zoek de zeldzame Painite-edelsteen en beveilig je weg naar buiten. Vier onze recente triomf terwijl we dit avontuur met succes via Kickstarter hebben gefinancierd, dankzij de enthousiaste steun van onze donateurs!

Kickstarter Architect Tier: Custom Cards Fulfilled and Delivered!

Backrooms TCG™ – A Journey to the Unknown

Welcome to the mysterious world of Backrooms TCG™️, where your solo adventure begins. As a Wanderer, you will uncover stories, discover hidden items, and encounter intriguing entities in a unique solitaire gaming experience. Our game offers a fresh approach to traditional trading card games, with a vibrant community to share your journey. Face formidable boss challenges that test your strategic skills, bringing you closer to the elusive Painite Gem and ultimate victory. Immerse yourself in a rich narrative, where every card adds to the overarching story. Join us today and be part of a community that celebrates the joy of collecting, the thrill of discovery, and the power of storytelling. Start your adventure now!